Clemson vs Boston College

A few weeks ago, we got to go to our first Clemson game in 2 years. We’ve been to at least one game nearly every year since Kevin and I got married, but last year we got an unexpected (and completely wonderful) surprise when Karsten joined our family. So no Clemson game last year!
Our plan was to take the entire family (including Karsten) to the Clemson/BC game, which was homecoming.  However, because of the season Clemson has been having so far, and the significance of the game, when the game time was announced, it turned out being a night game starting at 7pm.  That was a no-go with a 1 year old, but we knew Kate would be able to make it. 
So on Saturday, October 17th, the 3 of us headed to Clemson.  Karsten had fun at home with lots of one-on-one time with her Nana!
Kate was SUPER excited about getting a tiger paw on her face, and she ended up with not one, but TWO tiger paws. 
Because of all the rain the past few weeks, Bowman field was extremely muddy. Clemson tried to alleviate some of the problem by putting down hay but it honestly just smelled awful. So we didn’t stay around the floats for too long. 
It’s hard to believe that this is where I lived 8 years ago. It honestly doesn’t feel like it has been THAT long. Some things (like Tillman Hall) never change. 
Kate was enthralled with the field, and Howards Rock.  She kept telling me “This is where the REAL tiger is going to run out, Mama.”

This is my mom, with two of her brothers. I definitely come from a Clemson family. 🙂

This was the best we could do of the 3 of us. 
We brought a stroller for Kate because let’s face it, Clemson is BIG and it is most definitely not flat.  We weren’t sure how long she would be able to hang with the walking.  She found a better ride – my uncle Rick’s shoulders.  Let me tell you, Kate is not a lightweight.  He carried her like this for a very long time.  I’m sure he was sore the next day! 
Kate watched very little of the actual game.  She did, however, LOVE the cheers.  She is still singing “C-L-E-M-S-OOOooooo-N!”
She also loved playing with my mom’s visor, and wearing it on her head like so…

Because if you wear it like that, it’s actually a princess crown.  Didn’t you know that? 🙂

Maybe next year all FOUR of us will make it to a game. I’m at least doing my part to help my kids be little tiger fans!


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