Christmastime in the Big Apple- Part 1

Whew.  I am exhausted!  As if December is not already a busy enough month, I added a trip to NYC!  I had to fly to NYC this past Thursday and Friday for a class for work, and we decided to make a girls weekend of it.  So on Friday, my mom and my sister flew up to join me and we had a great weekend in NYC. 
We made plans for Saturday and Sunday but it was hard to know how to plan for Friday.  Mom and Kristi’s flight was supposed to get in around 2 and then they had to get from LaGuardia to our hotel before we could do anything.  I was supposed to be in class until 4 anyway, BUT our class decided to take a short lunch and no breaks so we could get out at 3.  Then mom and Kristi’s flight landed on time but because of NYC traffic they didn’t get to the hotel until 5. Like I said, hard to plan. 
When they finally made it there, we decided to just do some walking around.  First stop was Rockefeller Center to see the Christmas tree.  It was awesome! 

We walked around the Rockefeller Center area and took lots of pictures of all of the decorations.  I have to say that Christmas in NYC is really pretty.  I’d never been to NYC before, but there were lights and decorations everywhere!
We’d already planned to go to Times Square on Saturday but decided to head on over Friday night.  As we expected, it was CRAZY.  At least we thought it was crazy. It was a bit rainy, so when we went back to Times Square the next night, we realized how not-crowded it actually was on Friday. 

And then we just walked around.  We saw the lights, we saw the shops, we saw some of the landmarks.  Lots of fun.

I’ll catch up over the next few days with everything we did Saturday and Sunday, but it was definitely a trip to remember.  Lots of fun, and a great first visit to NYC!!

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