Christmas Day- Afternoon/Evening

So I have a “2012 Recap” kind of post that I wanted to share since it is January 1st, but I’ve decided to keep all of the Christmas posts together. So this is the last of our Christmas posts and tomorrow I’ll share my 2012 post. 🙂
After leaving my parent’s house, we drove straight to Kevin’s Dad’s house. Kevin’s Grandma was over there so we spent a little time visiting with them before finally getting home.  We ate a quick dinner and then sat down to open our gifts to one another. 
Here is Kate modeling her new outfit and new sparkly shoes. 
Playing with her new Leap Frog Learning Bus.

One thing that I really wanted to get her for Christmas this year was a big bag of letters for our refrigerator. So far, I think it’s been a good choice, although I’m not sure I will say the same thing in another month when they turn up all over the house.

Kevin and I usually do stockings for each other.  This year, instead of a stocking, I did the 12 Days of Christmas for him. On each of the 12 days leading up to Christmas, I gave him a gift.  On the 1st day of Christmas, he got 1 gift, on the 2nd day of Christmas he got 2 gifts, and so on.  I bought some of the gifts, but not every gift cost money.  For example, on the 10th Day of Christmas he got a card from Kate that had her hand prints on it (10 fingers). He was pretty surprised because he didn’t know it was coming and I have to admit that it was pretty fun for me too.
Anyway, he had put some good things in my stocking and Kate was watching me pull things out.  When I pulled out a couple of Milky Ways, Kate immediately yelled “SNACK” and ran to pick them up. Despite being the funniest thing to happen all day, she did not get a Milky Way. 🙂 

While Kevin and I unpacked and tried to get things back into some kind of order around our house, Kate played with some of her new things. 

She is such a girly-girl with her purse and stroller… I love it!


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  1. Ebay! 🙂 Copy/Paste the link below.

    A few things…
    1. I really wanted wooden letters instead of plastic so that's why I picked these.
    2. They were cheap so I could order 2-3 packs since there is normally only 1 of each letter in the pack. Obviously you need more than just 1 letter of each or she wouldn't even be able to spell her own name.
    3. They did take about a month to ship since they're coming from China.
    4. There is just one small round magnet on the back of each. It's not a problem, and they're not falling off the refrigerator or anything but I think I was expecting something a little stronger. Maybe that's just me.

    I think Pottery Barn Kids has some cute ones too. They're about $20 per set, but I think that their sets include multiples of some letters. Not really sure.

    Hope that helps!

  2. Ebay! 🙂 Copy/Paste the link below.

    A few things…
    1. I really wanted wooden letters instead of plastic so that's why I picked these.
    2. They were cheap so I could order 2-3 packs since there is normally only 1 of each letter in the pack. Obviously you need more than just 1 letter of each or she wouldn't even be able to spell her own name.
    3. They did take about a month to ship since they're coming from China.
    4. There is just one small round magnet on the back of each. It's not a problem, and they're not falling off the refrigerator or anything but I think I was expecting something a little stronger. Maybe that's just me.

    I think Pottery Barn Kids has some cute ones too. They're about $20 per set, but I think that their sets include multiples of some letters. Not really sure.

    Hope that helps!

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