Christmas Card 2013
Click below to check out some of the other cards. Enjoy!
Click below to check out some of the other cards. Enjoy!
A few weeks ago, we got snow. We typically get snow about once a year, and usually just a few inches. It snowed back in…
I thought I’d do a quick catch-up of some of my favorite things that have been happening around our household in the last few weeks….
All has been pretty quiet over here on the blog-front for the past week, but with good reason. Kevin, Kate and I have been in…
Sunday afternoon, the weather was SO nice that we decided to go for a walk. We have a nice neighborhood that is really close to…
I’m so glad Kate likes being outside, because we do too. We have finally started using our summer clothes, and pulled out the sandals. And…
Apparently I’ve taken 800+ pictures since the last time I cleaned out my cell phone, and I’m running out of space. Definitely time to download…