Christmas #2 – Christmas Day

We had a pretty laid back Christmas day this year and got in a lot of quality family time.  On Christmas Eve, we hung around the house pretty much all day.  We played a little indoor basketball on Karsten’s newest toy…

And of course, I had to get a few pictures of my girls in front of the tree. Christmas Eve tradition, ya know?

And then these two girls headed to bed. We skipped Kate’s nap in the hopes that she would go to sleep easily. I’m not sure if it worked or not, because we made her close her door when she went to bed, but she didn’t get up!  I count that as a win. 
And the reason for the no-nap was this super exciting toy, which came completely un-assembled, of course…

This was a gift to Kate and Karsten from my parents, but we put it together and had it there for them to see on Christmas morning.  Kevin turns pretty much everything into a competition so he started the stopwatch when we began assembly and we finished in 1 hour and 55 minutes. Honestly, it wasn’t too hard or complicated, there were just a TON of pieces. We even had to assemble some of the furniture.

But y’all, this is a pretty impressive dollhouse. It is as tall as I am!

And then Kevin and I went to bed (way later than normal) and hoped that we would be able to sleep until at least 8, which totally didn’t happen.  For some reason Karsten woke up at 5ish, which then woke Kate up. As Kevin was trying to get Karsten back down to sleep, I caught Kate coming back up the hallway. She said to me “Santa already came! Is he still here? Can I go tell him hey??”
Surprisingly, she was really understanding about the fact that it was still the middle of the night so she went back to bed and knew she was going to wait until the sunshine came up to get us up.  She woke us up around 7:30 and we knew it was present time. 🙂 
We FaceTimed my parents so they could see her opening the big gift and she did not disappoint. If you ask her now, she will tell you that the dollhouse is her favorite Christmas present, and then Chase from Paw Patrol is her second favorite!
Around mid-morning, Kevin’s dad, Diane and Grandma Betty came over to see the girls and wish us all a Merry Christmas. We had such a low-key day, we all stayed in our pajamas until around lunchtime!  And then we had to make use of the self-timer and get a family photo to document Christmas 2015!  

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