Chop Chop

Kate’s hair has gotten so long, and as much as I love it, her hair was just a little bit out of control.  She is only 2, so it gets in her way, it is hot, and she is just a sweaty mess after being outside for about 4.5 seconds.  On top of that, she has a lot of new growth around her hairline, so her hair had just gotten really uneven.  Since the last hair cut was about…. oh, well over a year ago, it was definitely time for at least a trim.  For all of the above reasons, we decided to do more than just a little cut.  We ended up taking off 6+ inches and I think it looks so cute!  
I’ll be honest, I was a little sad to see all of her beautiful hair getting cut off, but the good news is, it will grow back eventually!


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  1. This first time I had to REALLY cut my youngest daughter's hair, I was so sad and then to top it off she didn't speak to me when we were done. I was heart broken. We have a much better understanding of when it's time to cut hair. LOL.

  2. This first time I had to REALLY cut my youngest daughter's hair, I was so sad and then to top it off she didn't speak to me when we were done. I was heart broken. We have a much better understanding of when it's time to cut hair. LOL.

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