Celebrate Kate

Earlier this summer, toward the end of July, we gave Kate two options for her birthday party.  We told her we could have a big party at home, and invite all of her friends and family. OR, she could pick 2 friends to spend the night for her first ever sleepover.

Honestly I thought it was a toss up as to which she would pick.  She struggles with making decisions.  So much that you can ask her something like “Which is your favorite, red or pink?” and she won’t decide.  She will say they are BOTH her favorite.

So I had no clue which one she would decide to go with, but in the end, she decided to have a sleepover.  And it was so much fun.

We got pizza.

We had birthday cake (of course). 
We caught lightening bugs. 
And played lots of basketball. 
We had ice cream sundaes with ALLLLLLL the toppings.  And of course, movies on the living room floor. 
They stayed up WAY late (no surprise) until I made them turn the TV off and go to sleep.  And then, they were all up by 6am the following morning. So we hit up Chic-Fil-A so they could eat and blow off some energy in the playground.
Later that day, Kevin and I took the girls to a local waterpark. 
So much fun. Kate loved it and the next day, she was already asking when she could do it again! We loved celebrating our girl and her big SEVENTH birthday. 

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