It was cold, but we were bundled up and surprisingly, stayed pretty warm. We only stayed until halftime, and filled Kate’s sippy cup up with hot chocolate, which made her pretty happy.
It was cold, but we were bundled up and surprisingly, stayed pretty warm. We only stayed until halftime, and filled Kate’s sippy cup up with hot chocolate, which made her pretty happy.
If ever there was a year to need a vacation, it was 2020. Am I right? We are beach people. And let me clarify that…
Kate is extremely verbal and knows so many more words than we probably even realize. It’s still fun to hear her mispronounce words, and call…
I made Kevin get his own blog. 🙂 Well I didn’t really MAKE him, but he did get his own blog. I think I’ve said…
So this is what our normal nights look like these days. A happy baby (usually)…. Squiggly sitters… My big girl… And little sister… These are…
Apparently I’ve taken 800+ pictures since the last time I cleaned out my cell phone, and I’m running out of space. Definitely time to download…
On Sunday, we had to come home from Savannah. Boo. Kate was not too excited about it either… We ate a big breakfast and then…