Birthdays Part 2

My mom, dad and sister came up for a visit on Saturday afternoon to celebrate my mom and sister’s birthdays.  Kristi babysat for us Saturday morning while I went to work and Kevin helped with a youth fundraiser at our church.  My parents got to our house before I made it home and they got to spend a little quality time with Kate.  Once I got off work, I met them at our house.

They’d gotten Kate an Easter basket and wanted to go ahead and give it to her in case they don’t see her again before Easter.  Kate loved it!

She sat in my lap while we went through her basket (ie- I kept her from eating all of the paper grass inside the basket). 

Kate’s goodies from Gigi and Papa Rick!  She especially loves her books, and I’ve enjoyed reading them to her the last few nights. 

After all of the Easter basket festivities, my Mom and Kristi opened their birthday presents.  Then it was time for Miss Kate to eat lunch.  In hindsight, we should have waited because when we went to lunch (Panera), Kate was NOT a happy camper. She does not enjoy watching other people eat when she doesn’t have something.  Toys don’t satisfy either.  She wants FOOD.  I ended up taking her outside to walk around while everyone else ate, and then my mom traded off with me so I could eat.  Anybody have the same problem with their kids right now?  

Here are a few more pictures from the rest of the visit.

We got back from lunch and most everybody ended up taking a nap!  We spent a little more time visiting and then it was time for my parents to head home.  I have to say that I really enjoy it when they come up our way for a visit.

And that was MOST of our day on Saturday.  This post is already pretty long so I’ll just have to do another one for the rest of our weekend.  Weekends go by so fast, don’t they?  Only 3 more working-weekends left of busy season.  Counting them down!


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