Birthdays and Bathtime

Yesterday was my sister (Kristi’s) 25th birthday and TODAY is my mom’s birthday.  We’re doing the whole family celebration thing tomorrow when my mom and dad come up for a visit, but Kristi just HAD to do something on her actual birthday.  So Kevin, Kate and I met Kristi and one of her friends (Julie) for dinner last night.  The weather was great, so we sat outside and my pesto chicken pita was oh-so-good.  Fun times.  Here is a picture of Kate with the birthday girl, and one with Julie! 🙂

We stayed in tonight and just did some housework, etc but I had to share a few pictures from bath time. This is another one of my favorite parts of the day.  I LOVE giving Kate her baths, and I think she LOVES it just as much.

Sorry for the lack of words and LOTS of pictures.  It’s late, I’m tired, and I’ve got to get to work early in the morning.  Happy weekending!


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