Beach Vacation – Recap #3

Last recap. I promise. I’m sure everyone is sick of seeing beach pictures, and at this point I think our family is a little sad that it will be another year before we’re all back there with our feet in the sand.  So here is a bit of a picture overload from our beach days!

Y’all.  Kate wanted us to pull her through the waves on her boogie board, and let me tell you, it was not easy. If you want a good beach workout, this is it.

Karsten was practicing her baby yoga, again.

And Kate wore herself out from playing ALL. DAY. LONG.
On our way to dinner one night, we saw that the Hot-N-Now sign was on at Krispy Kreme.  Of course we did what any reasonable vacationer would do – we stopped. 
We took a time-out near the end of the week to stop by Urgent Care to get Kate’s spider bite checked out.  We picked up her prescription and were good to go again.
And then it was back to the beach the next day.
Until next year!  That’s a wrap. 

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