Beach Vacation – Recap #1

We’ve been back from our beach vacation for about a week now, so it’s definitely time for me to update the blog.  Since we’ve been back, Karsten has had a double ear infection and hasn’t slept, Kate is still recovering from her spider bite, and Kevin and I came down with awful colds. Oh and a week after starting medicine, either Karsten’s ear infection is still lingering or she’s teething. Or both. Vacation did us right. 🙂

Just kidding!  All that “sickness” is just part of life.  Without a doubt, we enjoyed our vacation. And… apparently I have too many pictures to put them all in one post.  What’s new, right?  So this will get split up into a few posts.

Friday, May 20th was Kate’s very last day of preschool and we definitely did not ease into summer.  We jumped in feet first!  Saturday morning we left for the beach. We’d rented a house on the NC beaches and were looking forward to a week with our toes in the sand!  What we WEREN’T looking forward to was the long drive to get there!  But finally, we headed over the bridge, got a glimpse of the ocean, and saw the end in sight!

What a great view!

After a little unpacking, and a very late lunch/dinner, we headed to our destination. Kate has been looking forward to this for a solid year.

Sunday was our first full day there, and it ended up being rainy, very cool, and overcast. There was a break in the rain and the sun peeked out, so I attempted to take Kate out to the water while Karsten napped.  She loved it, while I shivered because it was still pretty cold!
And it didn’t last long either.  After maybe 15 minutes, this was the scene. 
So we packed up and headed back inside.  We loved the place where we stayed.  It was not ocean front, but was across the street from the houses that were ocean front.  And there was a public beach access RIGHT across the street from us, but no public parking.  So in other words, we basically had our own private beach access. 
That night we hit up a local seafood place for dinner. 
Funny story about this little kid.  Our server came to the table for all of us to order.  I went first and ordered mine and Kate’s (which Karsten usually just shares some of), and then he looked at Kevin.  He was standing right behind Karsten’s high chair so I guess Karsten figured it was HER turn to order.  She looked straight up at him and said “Chock-it milk, Peas. Tank you!” Love that girl!  Like her big sister, she keeps us laughing. 
I ordered crab legs because it’s the beach. And vacation. And that’s pretty much enough of a reason. 
I finally talked Kate into tasting it and after her bite, she kept wanting more. She asked me to order crab legs at every dinner for the rest of the trip. 
And that was pretty much our Saturday and Sunday.  The rest of the week got much warmer and the weather was awesome. We couldn’t have asked for any better, so the first day and a half of cold and drizzle didn’t hinder our vacation at all!

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