Back to School

I promise I haven’t dropped off of blog-land, but August just turned into a crazy month. I’ll be back tomorrow with some updates and pictures, but for now, here is a quick picture of Kate on her first day back at “school”.

Doesn’t she look thrilled? 🙂  This was actually taken at the end of the day, so she was exhausted and honestly not feeling all that great because her allergies have been acting up. BUT, she was so excited this morning.  Kevin dropped her off and sent me a picture of her on her way in.  She loves her new bookbag and wouldn’t even take it off for the pictures. 
She’ll be going to a 2 year old preschool class for 2 days a week this year. We love that she gets a chance to be around other kids her age in a Christian church setting.  Her teacher this year was actually the helper in her class last year, so she won’t even have to adjust to a new teacher.  We’re looking forward to an exciting year!


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