Baby Fashionista

Kate has a shoe fetish.  It’s bad, but it is so funny.  She loves to walk around the house in my shoes and is surprisingly good at walking in heels. She doesn’t discriminate though.  Her Daddy’s shoes will work just fine and she’s often walking around in his tennis shoes.

Lately she has gotten very particular about which shoes she wears.  The past 2 Sundays, I have tried to put on some dressier brown shoes for church, but Kate would have nothing of it. She would pitch a fit (I know, such a southern phrase!) to wear her sparkly silver Toms.  And I mean an all-out, crying, flailing, FIT.  So of course she wore her sparkly Toms.

I made the mistake of walking through the shoe section of Target to get to the check out lines yesterday.  All I heard was “Shoes. shoes. shoes. on. on. on.”  She was not happy when I didn’t stop. 🙂

Her favorite shoes though, by far, are my Dansko shoes.  She loves to wear them and walk all over the house.  Definitely her favorite.

This weekend, she got a special treat from her Aunt Angela.  Her OWN pair of Dansko shoes.  Think she’s spoiled much?  She wore them all over the house, would not take them off, and even took a nap in them.  Notice in the picture below, she even had them on with her pajamas.


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