Azalea Week 2014

Every year we get one good week when the azaleas bloom, and of course I have to take the opportunity to get some photos.  So Sunday after we got home from church, Kate and I stayed outside to get a few million pictures with the pretty flowers in our back yard.  You would think that with the number of pictures I took, I would have gotten one GOOD one, where Kate is looking at the camera and at least somewhat smiling. Not the case. These are the best.  This is what you get with a busy 2.5 year old.  I’ll just be thankful they aren’t blurry.  And just for fun, here are the 2012 and 2013 pictures. 

We’re in that awesome stage where when you ask for a smile, you get an awkward squinty-eyed, teeth bearing face. They make for great pictures.  

After the pictures were done, Kate spent the next 15 minutes picking all of the dandelions she could find.


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