Another Long Weekend

The title of this post is ambiguous on purpose.  Yes, it was a 3 day weekend so it was a long weekend, but it was also a long weekend in another sense of the word. We definitely had our share of ups and downs. We had a lot of fun, and some sadness. Let’s start with the GOOD things.

On Friday we had our 3rd meeting with Kate’s birth parents and it went great. We’re so thankful that we’re able to have a continued relationship with both Kate’s birth mom, birth dad, and their extended families. We enjoy spending time with them, and we know that it will be good for Kate as she grows up. The last time they saw Kate was in early December and she couldn’t really even sit up on her own at that point, so she had grown a LOT since they last saw her. She gave them a huge smile and started waving when they walked in the room, and for that I was really grateful! She’s not afraid of new people, but I was still nervous about how she would react. Fortunately, she loves being the center of attention so she had no problem and was crawling all over them within minutes.

The meeting was in Columbia, so we decided that we would spend Friday afternoon and most of the day Saturday at my parent’s lake house.

Saturday morning ended up being very overcast, foggy and cool so we were worried that we wouldn’t be able to go out on their pontoon boat. Luckily, it burned off by later in the afternoon and we decided to take Kate out on her very first boat ride. We didn’t take a long ride, but she seemed to enjoy it. The life jacket was a bit snug on my 20+ pound baby, even though it SAYS it is good for babies up to 30 lbs. It really wasn’t too tight. I do realize that’s how these things are SUPPOSED to fit on babies.

We got home Saturday evening and were unpacking everything from our cars when we got the call that we needed to get to Kevin’s dad’s house to see his Uncle Wayne. He had been fighting cancer for some time, and was nearing the end of his battle. He passed away around 10pm Saturday night. It was definitely a sad time, but because he was a Christian we know that he is now rejoicing in heaven.  His funeral is this afternoon, so please keep our family in your prayers.


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