Another Football Weekend

This past weekend, we continued the away game tradition by going to the UGA/Auburn game in Auburn, Alabama.  We bought the tickets before the game time was announced and since Auburn is only about 4.5 hours from where we live, we decided to make it a 1 day trip.  Well, the game ended up being at 7pm.  Since we had to be back for church on Sunday, we still had to do it all in one day.  It was definitely a long day.

We left around noon and got there in time to walk around campus and eat dinner before the game started.  I have to say that this was my favorite campus and stadium that we’ve gone to (besides Clemson).  It really reminded me a lot of Clemson.  Kristi and I would walk around and point out buildings that looked like buildings on Clemson’s campus. 

As we were walking around, we saw the Alabama game tuned in on lots of the tailgating TV’s.  We couldn’t believe the score at first!  After we went into the stadium, Kevin kept up with it on his portable XM radio.  About 10 minutes after the game was over, the Auburn fans started yelling louder than they had at any point in the game, even louder than when their team ran into the stadium.  We realized that they had just posted the Alabama score on the screen.  The Auburn fans were more excited for an Alabama loss than they were concerned over their own game. 🙂  Oh the joys of rivalries!
We left mid-way through the 3rd quarter since the game wasn’t close, and ended up getting home about 2:30am. Definitely a long day, but a fun one.  Kevin asked me afterward if I would ever go back to Auburn, and I told him that of all the stadiums that we’ve been to, that’s the one that I would love to go back to.  Although, I also told him that next year we would be going to either a Clemson away game OR a Georgia away game, but not both.  September-December just seems like it is the busiest time of the entire year, and my weekends are so valuable.  We don’t have a free weekend until after the first of the year!  I’m sure everybody else is just as busy, right??


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