Another Adoption Update

So- I’ll be quick because I am really busy at the moment, and here is why…

Right before Thanksgiving, I got a phone call from our adoption worker saying that she was ready to start our home study.  She wanted to know when would be a good day to do our home study visit, so of course I asked “When is the first available date?”

Her response: “How about tomorrow.”

So right before Thanksgiving we had our home study visit, and we also found out that it would be the ONLY visit/interview that we had to do since this was our second adoption. Great news!

We had our visit and then didn’t hear much more other than “We will work on it and will let you know when you’re approved.” We knew there were a few other couples in front of us so it wasn’t going to be immediate.

Well, earlier this week we found out that our home study was about to be approved.  We are supposed to be “officially waiting” by the end of this week!

So what does all that mean?  Basically, I need to get moving! I haven’t quite finished our profile book but I’m working on it.  I’ve organized all of my pictures and have uploaded them to Shutterfly.  We’ve written our “Dear Birthmother” letter and I’ve created about 8-10 pages of our book so far.  I need to finish it up and send it off to Bethany Christian Services for approval and then we are all set.  Oh, and we need to write a pretty big check.  That’s always fun.

We’re making progress.  Finally!  Keep us in your prayers.  Thanks!


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