Almost ONE :(

Kate is 11 months old today.  Wow!  I’ll do her monthly update soon, but I still need to actually take her 11 month pictures.  It’s been rainy today and I’d really rather take them outside.

And because she is now 11 months old, this means I am in full-on party planning mode. 🙂  I ordered the invitations to her party today.  Yay!  Let me tell you, birthday cards are expensive though! I found the perfect ones on and they said they were just $0.40 per card.  Perfect.  I got everything looking the way I wanted it to, and when I went to check out they were $2.50 PER card.  No thank you.  I ended up finding some pretty cute ones at

We’re not doing any real “theme” for this party, except for it being really girly and pink.  Kevin basically told me to do whatever I wanted, so I am.  However, he did preface that by saying that if we ever had a boy, he would have a sports party for his first birthday. Ha!

Anyway, I’ll share all of the birthday fun AFTER her party.  In the meantime, here is what Kate has been up to the past week or so…

Yes, she’s walking!  She took a few steps around 9.5 months old but she quickly lost interest.  Then this week, she just took off.  She’s been walking pretty much non-stop and only crawling if she falls down and her hands are full of toys so she can’t get herself standing back up.  Crazy.  And she is seriously into EVERYTHING.  She opened up every single one of our kitchen cabinets that she could get to tonight.  I guess we’re going to have to baby proof ALL of them.

And here’s one more video of Kate playing with her Daddy, just because I think it’s cute.  Love her little laugh!


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