Adoption Awareness
Last weekend, we celebrated World Adoption Day as a family, with our annual smiley face hand pictures (along with thousands of other people)! What a fun way to celebrate adoption and bring awareness to the need for more families.
November is National Adoption Awareness month, and it’s a pretty special month to me for two very obvious reasons. I’ve had some pretty big “gifts” in my life and adoption seems to be a common theme among them.
First, was my gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, and it was then that I was adopted into the family of God. It’s the biggest gift I’ve ever received.
Second, was the gift of being a Mom, which was given to me when two very special birth families chose Kevin and me to be parents to these sweet girls. I’ll forever be thankful to them for that decision.
Adoption is a blessing. Whether you’re called to adopt or just to support families who are (through prayer, a phone call, an encouraging word, or whatever!), I pray that adoption can be just as big of a blessing to YOUR family.
** And if you have questions about either salvation or infant adoption, send me a message! I’m an open book.