Adoption 2 Update- Homestudy Approved

I’ve been pretty quiet again on the 2nd adoption front, and mostly it was because I was so discouraged with how long it was taking us to get through the home study portion.  I totally understand WHY it was taking so long.  There were staffing changes with our agency, then there was Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s, and things just took longer than I had hoped.  Knowing WHY things were taking longer didn’t make it any easier though.  To me, waiting on the home study part just might be harder than waiting for a baby.  At least when you’re approved and waiting, there is the possibility of being chosen.  But while you’re going through the paperwork and red tape, and waiting for your agency to process everything, you know there is no chance that you’ll be matched yet.  Ask me that in a year and see if I give you the same response though.  So like I said, I was frustrated and discouraged.  And then this happened…

Yay! Now, Kevin and I are officially waiting to bring home Kate’s baby brother or sister.  Lots of people have asked if we have specified anything, and the answer is no!  We haven’t specified gender or race, and would be perfectly happy with any baby that would be placed with our family. We’re just excited to another baby to the mix. 
So that’s where we are right now in our adoption.  Our online profile has been posted and there is nothing left for us to do but wait.  We have no idea how long it will be.  We could get “the call” tomorrow or it could be over a year from now.  Only God knows the answer to that one, so we just have to trust in His plan and perfect timing. And so for now, we wait! 

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  1. How wonderful! That is truly amazing. God is so good. You have a beautiful family. I have been following for a couple of years now. Kate is the same age as my daughter so it's been really fun watching Kate grow. Although I must say I am SO jealous of Kate's hair HA! My daughter still at two and a half does not have much. Good luck and I hope you get "the call" ASAP!

  2. How wonderful! That is truly amazing. God is so good. You have a beautiful family. I have been following for a couple of years now. Kate is the same age as my daughter so it's been really fun watching Kate grow. Although I must say I am SO jealous of Kate's hair HA! My daughter still at two and a half does not have much. Good luck and I hope you get "the call" ASAP!

  3. Hi! I stumbled upon this blog looking for adoption resources so I wanted to say thank you for your blog! I am also from SC! We have one biological son but may also be thinking about adoption soon as well. Our son was born with severe to profound hearing loss and now has cochlear implants so adopting a child with hearing loss has been something we have thought about. It helps to hear about others' stories and experiences. I also have a blog that discusses our journey in helping our son to hear

  4. Hi! I stumbled upon this blog looking for adoption resources so I wanted to say thank you for your blog! I am also from SC! We have one biological son but may also be thinking about adoption soon as well. Our son was born with severe to profound hearing loss and now has cochlear implants so adopting a child with hearing loss has been something we have thought about. It helps to hear about others' stories and experiences. I also have a blog that discusses our journey in helping our son to hear

  5. Congratulations, Kelley! It’s sometimes frustrating to wait for the verdict on your adoption, especially that there’s a switch of staff in your agency. I believe your records convinced them to approve your second adoption. Congrats again! 🙂

    Sandra Walker

  6. Congratulations, Kelley! It’s sometimes frustrating to wait for the verdict on your adoption, especially that there’s a switch of staff in your agency. I believe your records convinced them to approve your second adoption. Congrats again! 🙂

    Sandra Walker

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