A Year Ago Today- April 4, 2011

It is unbelievable how much has changed in a year.  One year ago today, our homestudy was completed and Kevin and I were “officially” placed on the wait list.

On April 4th, 2011 we received an email from our adoption worker with a draft of our homestudy.  She wanted us to look it over and note any inaccuracies, and then send it back to her to make any necessary changes.  We read it and it looked complete and accurate to us.  So we sent it back to her and the same day we became an “active” adoptive family.  Our profile went public, so to speak, and we basically began what we thought would be a big-long-wait to be matched. That’s how the address of this blog even came about.  It’s what we expected.

I remember seeing our profile among all of the other adoptive family profiles on Bethany’s website and thinking “now it’s real”.  I remember driving home from work on my way to Kevin’s softball game.  I remember posting this to my Facebook account- “It’s official. Our homestudy was finalized today. We’re adopting! Now we just get to wait!”  For some people, this was the first they had even heard of our adoption.

I can’t believe how much has changed in the past year.  We thought there was a definite possibility that we’d still be waiting NOW, and never imagined that one year later we would have an almost 8 month old daughter.  We totally did not expect to be parents just 4 months after our homestudy was finalized, but we could not be any happier about it.  Kate has been one of the biggest blessings of our life and even if we had not been “matched” so soon and ended up having to wait much longer for her, we know we would feel the exact same way.  

What a difference a year makes!  God is sooo good and His blessings are far beyond what we could have hoped or imagined. 


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