A Star Is Born

Kate is a people-person.  She has never met a stranger and you would never mistake her for being shy.  She might not hold her arms out to everybody, but she has never cried because a “stranger” is holding her…. except for that phase when she didn’t like men with beards.  So, when we found out that even the “littlest” children in our church were taking part in the children’s Easter music, we were pretty interested to see how Kate would reacted.

They haven’t sung on stage on Sunday morning yet, but this past Sunday all of the kids had a rehearsal to practice being on the stage.  It took place right after church on Sunday morning for just a few minutes, so there were still lots of adults hanging around.  It was a good test to see which kids are shy and which aren’t.  For reference, I was always one of the shy kids. Kevin says he was too.

The smallest children are only on the stage for one song: He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands.  Kate knows all the motions and practices them in the car. She loves music.  She’s 19 months though, so I didn’t expect her to do the motions or sing when they actually performed, and of course she didn’t.  She wanted to watch all of the big kids.

She was NOT shy though and when they were finished, her teacher (Brandee) asked if she was ready to get down.  Kate’s reply?  
“No. No, no.”
Oh, no. She did not want to get off of the stage. She wanted to stay up there with the big kids and be in the spotlight.  Brandee’s response to that was “A star is born!”.  Ha!  We have got our work cut out for us.  
Stay tuned to see how she does in the REAL performance in a few more weeks.   


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