A Little (Early) Winter Crafting

Kate has really gotten into the arts and crafts kind of stuff. I think it is from all of the painting, cutting, gluing, etc that she does at school.  SO, I decided to pull out the paints and let her do a fun wintery craft on Sunday afternoon while Karsten napped.  Of course, I saw something similar to this on Pinterest (where else?) and decided to give it a try.  Actually, it’s really similar pretty much exactly the same as the Valentine’s craft I did with her back when she was about 18 months old.

All it took was a small canvas, masking tape, washable paint and paintbrushes!  And of course, a table cloth and bib to protect my table and Kate’s clothes!

Here are the snowflakes all taped up and ready to go!

“Let’s do this, Mom!”

After a coat of blue paint, we let it dry for a few hours and then went back over it with a coat of silver glitter paint.  Once that coat was dry, we pulled off the tape and there were our snowflakes!  I traced around the outside with a black sharpie just to make them stand out a bit more.  As Kate watched me tracing she said “You’re an incredible drawer, Mom!”  She has become quite generous with her compliments lately, but who am I to complain?  I guess it takes LOTS of skill to trace snowflakes- a skill which, according to Kate, I apparently am incredible at. 
And…. the finished product! 

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