A Giveaway! Coffee, anyone?

I’ve teamed up with 28 other amazing girls to bring you one a pretty awesome giveaway, because let’s face it, I couldn’t give away one of these things all on my own…

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I’m not a huge coffee person unless it’s already made and sugared up, like a White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks.  But, for those of you that drink coffee, how would you like to win a Keurig? 

I haven’t tried the new Starbucks Verismo but if you would like to choose that instead, your wish is my command.

Not only can you drink coffee with these, but you can drink tea, hot chocolate, etc. So even if you’re not a coffee junkie, there’s something for everyone!
Still not interested? How about winning the CASH instead? Excited now?!
Just enter the rafflecopter below and cross your fingers! Contest will remain open until Friday, February 1st at 12:00 a.m. EST and the winner will be announced once all entries are verified. 
Good luck! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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