A Frozen Birthday

We had a small family party to celebrate Karsten’s 2nd birthday and the “theme” was Frozen. Of course.  I mean really. What else would work for this Frozen-obsessed toddler? 

I decorated a table and placed some of the characters from Frozen around our house and that was pretty much it.  When Karsten saw the table, her face was priceless. 
“Is that Anna!?! Is that Elsa!?!”

I had to put some movie quotes on there too.  Of course Kevin and I are probably the only ones that “got” them since we can quote the entire movie…

This girl can be shy, but she LOVED it when we sang Happy Birthday to her. 

And opening presents was hilarious. She had to stick her head inside the bag to see if she got everything.

Karsten got a doll set that had both an Elsa and an Anna doll in it.  Kate, of course, “helped” Karsten open her presents and when she pulled out this particular one she said “Karsten! We EACH got a doll!” Ha.

Loved her expressions!

My Grandmother stayed with my parents last week when she had to leave her house due to Hurricane Matthew.  She had never been to our house and we were so thankful that she was able to celebrate this special day with so much of our other family.
Love my family, and love this little girl that we celebrated. Can’t believe she is TWO!

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