A Family Lake Day

My cousin graduated from college this past Friday and a lot of our family gathered at a lake house near the college to celebrate his graduation.  Kevin, Kate, and I got up Saturday morning and headed over there to join in on the fun.  They rented a big pontoon boat and we had fun hanging out with family all day.  Although there was a 60-70% chance of rain, we got lucky.  The rain held off most of the day.  As we were pulling out of the driveway to go home, it finally started raining. 
Kate’s favorite part of the entire day was playing with her little cousin, Collins.  Collins is 1 year younger than Kate.  Actually, she was born one day before Kate’s first birthday. As soon as we walked in the door and Kate saw Collins, she started saying “Baby! Baby!”  She is SUCH a little momma. Always wanting to help, comfort, pat, rock, etc. I’m sure Collins was ready for Kate to go by the end of the day!

And now since we’ve been home, every time Kate sees a baby she yells out “Collins! Collins!”
After a big family breakfast, we decided to try a boat ride.  We didn’t go too far away because the clouds were threatening.  
We have had some crazy May weather, and it was pretty cool on the boat, so Kate put on my mom’s coat over her life jacket. Doesn’t she look like a little football player? 

We spent the rest of the afternoon watching golf, throwing a football, playing ladder ball, and just spending time with family. 

This was our first attempt of a Grandma/Mommy/Baby picture. I had to laugh when I saw it. Not too bad of me and my mom. Kate’s face cracks me up though.

Take 2 was much better!

And one of my cousin, Miranda, and our two girls!


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