She Said Yes!
So we definitely had an exciting weekend… my sister, Kristi, got engaged! Davis proposed to her on Friday evening at my parent’s lake house, down on the dock. I don’t think Kristi was expecting it at all, so she was totally surprised in a really good way.
Luckily, Davis’s brother, Kaleb, did some great covert photography. He hid in the trees and bushes and got the below pictures as the proposal was happening. Although, I do have to say that I think the first one was a re-enactment. The last two were real life reactions though!
We love Davis, and his whole family, and are so excited for Kristi and Davis. And in typical fashion for our family, we had to get a few group pictures. First, our family…
And then Davis’s family…
And then Kate had to crash Davis and Kristi’s picture. I think she may be more heart-broken than excited because now Davis is officially off the market. He was her first crush. 🙂
Later that night, after first calling family and friends, Kristi and Davis made it “facebook official”, because nothing is for real until it is on facebook, right? So, they posted the engagement on their accounts, and so did Davis’s mom, Kathy. Then it was a race for the rest of us to get the first “likes” and “comments” on the statuses. Yes, we are dorks. But it was fun.
Definitely a fun and exciting weekend. Now, let the wedding planning begin…