Mommy Tip- Socks & Shoes
It’s been a while since I last posted, I know. I feel like this week literally lasted about 30 seconds! Where is the time going? Anyway, I know everybody is busy and probably feels just like I do, so no more whining! I promise! 🙂
Back to the title of this post. We have had a problem keeping socks on Kate’s feet since, well, since she was born. I’m sure this is something that every new mom has struggled with, but Kate just seems to be really gifted at getting socks off of her feet. Kevin says that she rubs her feet together like an old man and her bare feet are the result of all of that rubbing.
Last week I realized that Kate has grown enough to fit into her first pair of shoes…
And after a full day of wearing her new shoes, we realized that they were actually keeping her socks on her feet and off of the floor. Plus, they’re lined with a terry cloth material and are a little bit of added warmth when we’re out and about. Who knew? I sure didn’t and wish we’d tried them out a little sooner. So, for any new moms out there struggling with the same problem, go buy some shoes! It works, and it’s just a touch of added cuteness for your little one.
Oh- and don’t forget that the time changes tonight, so “fall back” and set your clocks back an hour before you go to bed!