4th of July Catch-up

Well last weekend was the 4th of July, and it was a busy one!  I had Friday off of work, and went ahead and took Thursday off as well.  So Thursday morning, the girls and I hopped in the car to head to the lake!  Kevin was golfing, and he met us there after he finished up.

Thursday was  GREAT lake day.

And unfortunately, Friday and Saturday were pretty overcast and rainy, so we did not end up on the lake again. Bummer.  However, Kevin and I DID get to sneak in a date night and go to see Jurassic World on Friday while my parents babysat.  Score!  We hardly ever do anything with just the 2 of us anymore, so it was nice to have a kid-free night.
We headed home on Saturday and didn’t even stay up for fireworks.  Our kids were exhausted from the lake fun, and Karsten had been extra fussy.  Turns out that she had an ear infection and that was the cause of her fussiness.  
I did get a couple of pictures in their 4th of July apparel…

And you see Kate’s skirt?  She LOVES skirts and dresses like this.  She calls them her twirl dresses.  I bet you can guess why.  This is what she does when she is wearing them…


I sure do love this girl, and her sister! They make us smile and laugh every single day.


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